Burial Design Calculator - Restricted Access


You have reached this page because you need to be given access to our online Burial Design Calculator by our staff.

If your email address is from one of the @domains... listed below, but you still don't have access, please email us at info@mill-pro.com.hk, or call during office hours on Ph: 2543 6100 to resolve this:

any domain ending in.gov.hk, bv.com, atkinsglobal.com, aecom.com, arup.com hkairport.com, meinhardt.com.hk, manningsasia.com, leighorange.com, jacobs.com, mottmac.com, fdbhk.com, tapce.com.hk, wcce.hk, cce.com.hk, daal.com.hk

Unfortunately access to the calculator is limited to consultants and Govt engineers. We have a large investment in creating this online calculator for Hong Kong Engineers. If you are a contractor wanting burial design, then email us and we can provide a solution.

If you DO have an email address from the '@domains..." listed above, re register using your company or govt email address.

If you DONT have an email address from the '@domains...' listed above, email us the following information so we can call you to confirm your details, we aim to process these emails within the same working day.  

Subject: Access to Burial Design Calculator

First Name:

Last Name:

Company name or Organisation:

Company email address:

HK Phone number (XXXX XXXX):