HK Privacy Data Policy


We take data security and privacy rights of our customers seriously. Your personal data is only used in compliance with our Privacy Policy as set out below. By continuing to use any of our online services, our Apps or registering on our website, you hereby accept this policy and agree that it will apply to you.


All data we collect is kept secure under strict procedures and access controls on reputable third-party servers. Your data will not be sold, exchanged, transferred, or given to any third parties without your consent. 


We operate an emailing list for users that register on our website to provide technical and product updates from time to time.  If you use our APPS’s we store personal data that user provides to us, name, phone number, email address, IVE PE installers certificate number, an image of your Site safety card (or any image you as the user stores in the site safety card field), your location when using the APP, along with information about PE items you scan when using the APP.  If you use our online chat messaging service we collect your name, your email address, the chat start & end times, your IP address, your IP location and a transcript of what you typed in the chat to us.    We may obtain information about your usage of the website or app by using a cookie file. The use of cookies is to make the browsing experience more efficient and to help you use the website to its full potential. Cookies are a small text file that is transferred to your hard drive or the internal memory of your mobile device.

We collect standard Google Analytics data from our website page views which does NOT identify individuals who access our website. We collect technical data such as IP address, location, browser and browsing information. Registered users have their first and last logged in times recorded. A user visiting our site without having registered for an account may do so anonymously, although their data is still recorded by Google Analytics in the same way. If you contact us by email, we have a copy of all email correspondence you send to us.


The data that we collect from you is stored outside the European Economic Area on reputable third-party servers. By giving your personal data to us, you agree to allow us to transfer, store or process your data. We will take all reasonable steps and strict procedures necessary to ensure that your data is secure and in compliance with this privacy policy.


For emails, we respond to any enquiry, order or other requests received via email or chat messaging in order to provide services to you.  If you are using our APPs your user and other data collected as described in ‘What data we have” is used to provide a record of the products you managed or installed. All of this data is accessible by any person that is granted a login to the system to review pipeline installation information. This may include your employer and employees, the consultant and their employees on the project and the ultimate owner of the system (WSD or DSD and others) but it is never publicly available.


Anyone who no longer wishes to be included in our mailing list database or use our APP may request removal of their details and associated data by emailing Or call us on +852 2543 6100 during Hong Kong office hours. We will handle such requests as soon as soon as possible.  By requesting removal, you will no longer be able to use any of our [ electronic ]services


To receive a copy of what data we hold about you

To correct your data

To delete and remove your data

To be informed of the kind of data we hold and of our data policies and practices

 We hope you find our Privacy Policy clear and reasonable. Please do not hesitate to contact us if you have any questions.

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